Quality dental care from a caring friendly practice


2 March 2015 Read more

Groundbreaking move by Specialist Tooth Stem Cell Bank

Specialist Tooth Stem Cell Bank BioEden present Ground breaking move Stem cell treatments may hold the promise to fight disease previously thought untreatable. As a result, ‘the need to have one’s own cells preserved and safe is becoming the highest of priorities’, says Group CEO Tony Veverka. BioEden’s success and specialism in the field of tooth cell banking mean that to date they are the only biotechnology company able to offer this potentially life- saving service at the lowest of costs. Seen as a healthier alternative to cord blood banking

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19 February 2015 Read more

Fluoridation still a lottery

Access to water fluoridation remains a postcode lottery, dental organisations have said. So, too many communities with high levels of dental disease are still being deprived of fluoridation benefits. Only 10% of the UK’s population has access to water fluoridation. This means we are failing children who live in  communities with high levels of tooth decay, the BDA has said. 60,683 children and adolescents in England were admitted to hospital in 2012/13 to have multiple decayed teeth removed under general anesthetic, costing the NHS at least £27.6 million. yet evidence

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26 September 2014 Read more

Mouth Cancer Awareness Walk

On Saturday 13th September Maxine, Yvette, Emily and Lucy took part in the Mouth Cancer Foundation 10 KM awareness walk in Hyde Park, London. We would like to say thank you to everyone who sponsored us and purchased raffle tickets to this date we have raised £649.00 for The Mouth Cancer foundation if we have just saved one persons life we will have achieved our goal in raising awareness of mouth cancer.  

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2 September 2014 Read more

Oral Cancer Screening day

Acorn Dental Practice are now registered members of the mouth cancer screening accreditation scheme. On Saturday 13th September the practice will be hosting a free oral cancer screening day at the practice to help raise awareness of the rise in cases of oral cancer. Maxine and the team will also be taking part in a 10 km awareness walk in Hyde Park, London on 20th September to raise money for the mouth cancer foundation. Saturdays event will be held 9.00 am-12 pm at the practice and anyone is welcome, Maxine,

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16 May 2014 Read more

Another thumbs up for fluoridation!

Further evidence that water fluoridation works has been published by Public Health England. Its reports say that people living in fluoridated areas in the UK have lower levels of tooth decay and that children are less likely to need diseased teeth removed under general anaesthesia than those living in non-fluoridated areas. And it has confirmed that there is no evidence that water fluoridation schemes in the UK are harmful to health. The reports most striking finding was that 28% fewer five-year-olds have tooth decay in fluoridated areas compared with those

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